Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bob Lobel: Boston's Columbus Weekend Miracles


By Bob Lobel  @boblobel


Credit that line to Richard Johnson, the curator of the amazing Sports Museum at the Boston Garden. I say amazing because it is, and it justifiably represents the best of the best in our best sports location in the nation. How can we not brag after 10/13 in 2013? If the weekend hadn’t already been named after Christopher Columbus, then David Ortiz or Tom Brady would surely be placed in nomination. 

It was almost too much joy in such a short period of time to comprehend its significance.  No championships were won, no trophies were passed out, but these moments that lasted but seconds on the clock will be memories forever linked together.  It will be one of those “where were you when?” kinda things. 

There must be a few that can document they were at both venues for the heroics. That would be a tall order given the time it takes to leave Gillette and park at Fenway.  Most experienced this “Columbus Day” party A} on the couch, B} at a local bar or C} in a car with the radio screaming the good news.

This is why they hate us, envy us and wish they could have been us after this sports UFO (Unbelievable Fortune Occurrence).

Ok, now what does it all mean for the bigger picture, involving the fate of these two teams?  Who the hell knows, because it could mean absolutely nothing for Super Bowl or World Series parades through the streets and on the Charles. By the way, can we rename the river? Seems like the right thing to do on the day after the day that used to be Columbus Day. The Tomdave River? The Davetom River? The BO River? Well, for now, it’s the Charles and for now it will stay the Charles.

One big reason is that next weekend is another great and unique Boston sports event known as the Charles River Regatta. The BO regatta just doesn’t seem to hack it after this past Sunday. By the way, Columbus Day is technically Monday but like most of our holidays, Sunday becomes the same thing, and we can really do what we want since somebody had to create it anyway. What was created Sunday was a reaffirmation that our quarterback is as clutch as ever and the realization that this edition of the baseball team is like no other we have ever seen, or probably will ever see again. 

The story continues to create itself so somewhere in the near future, the ending will be not written, but experienced by us all.  Good luck! We are well aware that nobody west of the Hudson River and south of Hartford is rooting for us. And for those of us fortunate to experience “Gravity” on Friday, can add George Clooney and Sandra Bullock to the weekend party.

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