Friday, May 30, 2014

Post Game Blog: Shrewsbury Outmuscles Minnechaug

Shrewsbury pole Griffin Couture lays into Minnechaug middie Sam Christman
 By Joe Parello (@HerewegoJoe)

Here is yet another reminder that this blog is only my wandering thoughts on the game and not a complete recap. If you would like the entire game story, it will be up on BostonLaxNet very soon.

If you would just like highlights from the game, you can find those here.

A Slugfest

These two teams came to play, and neither was afraid to lay the lumber. Massive Shrewsbury defenseman Griffin Couture planted a few Falcons that came into his area, and no hit was bigger than the one he put on middie Sam Christman as he got off a shot in the third quarter.

Christman's shot actually found the back of the net, but he paid the price as Couture absolutely leveled him, knocking his wind out and leaving him on the grass for a few minutes afterward.

The hits kept coming both ways, as did the goals, but every time Minnechaug landed one-either a hit or a goal-Shrewsbury answered in kind.

Closing the Door

Shrewsbury is known for its defense, anchored by All-American goalie Chris Gorman and Couture, and that back line lived up to the hype in the second half against Minnechaug, Collectively, Shrewsbury held the Falcons to a single goal after intermission, and Gorman made two fantastic saves, while Couture, his younger brother Chandler and Tim Hally all disrupted Minnechaug's offense at every turn.

St. John's Looming

The Colonials will now face their toughest challenge yet, but it will be a familiar one. Shrewsbury already played host to cross-town rival St. John's, falling to the Pioneers 9-0 earlier this year in a game where the Colonials simply could not get to the net.

Shrewsbury believes it has come a long way since then, and even with St. John's playing at a state championship level, I would expect an all-out war when these two teams meet. That game will take place at St. John's on Tuesday at 4 pm.

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