Monday, March 30, 2015

Bob Lobel: Big Papi Doth Protest Too Much?

By Bob Lobel (@boblobel)

This Ortiz thing is putting me between a rock and hard place. Lying or not lying? Taken PEDs or not taken PEDs? Working on the next best thing for himself at the moment? 

Polishing up the Hall of Fame voters to vote for the first time, to overlook that he plays a position that's not really a position.  

Overlooking that he was on a sample 2003 list of the top juicers. No word if it was in alphabetical order or the extent of use. We know of no one who was on the list who was proven guilty but, perhaps the  worst thing of all, is the reputation that sticks after the career years melt away. Ortiz is trying at a very unusual time to create a persona that allows the sanctimonious sports writers, with a vote five years after Ortiz retires, to admit that David is a champion for the elimination of PEDs.  

Why now?

He is hardly playing any spring games and is mad at sports writers and talk show hosts who dare ask the questions that the truth as we know it may, in fact, not be the truth at all.    

Topics of performance enhancing drugs are now old and boring, and have been replaced by the act of not telling the truth when the facts seem to indicate otherwise. This, above all things, is how David rolls. Attention is above and beyond it all. If these attention getters show up at events during the year, it's going to be a long summer.

I guess this might emerge as the biggest challenge for manager John Farrell. 

Enough, and seriously I am very eager to see the new crop of Cuban players and what the future will bring with them.  By the way, has the National Football League put a franchise in Havana yet? They must have at least scheduled a game. 

Back to the Sox. 

It's very unusual, but I think fans are very up for this baseball season, and I don’t think it's about winning or losing. It's about what  it should be about, and what it is about in most other major league cities. 

The word describes a concept that is almost extinct in most sports arenas- Excitement. 

Yep, I  truly think the Red Sox are looking at an exciting season with above mediocre pitching and a stable of hitters that are actually players, and not designated players. Actually, this would be a terrific National League team. There are one or two people that I would like to see play all summer. Christian Vasquez  is one for obvious reasons and Daniel Nava, who I just like as a player. 

However, with an outfield full of prospects making lots of pesos, it seems unlikely Nava will be here. Hope I'm wrong. 

There will be plenty of power and plenty of runs. I do hope they don’t give a player a “C”  on their uniform like they did with Varitek. He should have refused to wear it, but it also should have never been offered. It's not baseball. Every time we saw it, it reminded us it was not baseball.  Don’t give it to Ortiz or Pedroia. 

Just don’t give it. Save it for hockey.

By the way, as we come into the last week of the NCAA tournament, how many have not missed picking a winner like me. This is the first time I have made it this far in the bracket competition with  a perfect record. This could be a huge weekend coming up.

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